Federal Court Decisions

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Date: 20170710

Dockets: T-1570-15

 And those listed in Appendix B

Citation: 2017 FC 668

Ottawa, Ontario, July 10, 2017

PRESENT:    The Honourable Mr. Justice Zinn

In the matter of numerous applications for judicial review filed challenging the constitutionality of the revocation or proposed revocation of Canadian citizenship on grounds of fraud or misrepresentation under the Citizenship Act, RSC 1985, c C-29, as amended by the Strengthening of Canadian Citizenship Act, SC 2014, c 22

Docket: T-1570-15











[1]               Numerous applications for judicial review were filed challenging the constitutionality of the revocation or proposed revocation of Canadian citizenship on grounds of fraud or misrepresentation under the Citizenship Act, RSC 1985, c C-29, as amended by the Strengthening of Canadian Citizenship Act, SC 2014, c 22.

[2]               The Chief Justice directed that these applications be case-managed as a group [Group 2 Revocation Judicial Review Applications].  Orders regarding the case-management of this Group have been issued under file T-1570-15.

[3]               By Order dated February 23, 2016 [2016 FC 1280], as amended March 29, 2016 [the Case-Management Order], it was ordered that the three constitutional issues common to all Group 2 Revocation Judicial Review Applications [Common Legal Issues] were to be litigated on the basis of a select number of lead cases [the Lead Cases] and the remaining applications in the Group 2 Revocation Judicial Review Applications [the Remaining Applications] were to be held in abeyance by the Court, pending the final disposition of the Lead Cases on the Common Legal Issues.  The Lead Cases are listed in Appendix A attached hereto, and the Remaining Applications are listed in Appendix B attached hereto.

[4]               It was further ordered in paragraph 5 of the Case-Management Order that:

Provided an application included in the Group 2 Revocation Judicial Review Applications is timely, or leave to extend the time for the application is granted based on a motion for an extension of time made pursuant to Rule 369, leave for judicial review is or will be granted with respect to the Common Legal Issues.

[5]               The Common Legal Issues were determined by Judgment of this Court in the eight Lead Cases on May 10, 2017, in Hassouna v Canada (Minister of Citizenship and Immigration), 2017 FC 473 [Hassouna].  That Judgment found that subsections 10(1), 10(3), and 10(4) the Citizenship Act, RSC 1985, c C-29, as amended by the Strengthening of Canadian Citizenship Act, SC 2014, c 22, are “inoperative as they violate section 2(e) of the Canadian Bill of Rights in a way that cannot be avoided by interpretation.”  The other relevant paragraphs of the Judgment are as follows:

2.         The Notices of Intent to Revoke the citizenship of the Applicants are null and void and hereby quashed because they violate section 2(e) of the Canadian Bill of Rights and are therefore of no force or effect;

3.         The decisions rendered by the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration (now the Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship) respectively on December 7, 2015, November 30, 2015, and November 23, 2015 revoking the citizenship of Tareq Madanat, Hisham Ajjawi and Muhammad Shahid Bandukda are null and void and hereby quashed because they were rendered in violation of section 2(e) of the Canadian Bill of Rights and are therefore of no force or effect;

4.         The Minister of Citizenship and Immigration (now the Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship) or his delegate(s) are prohibited from applying subsections 10(3) and 10(4) of the Citizenship Act against the Applicants because they are inconsistent with the Canadian Bill of Rights;

5.         Subsections 10(1), 10(3) and 10(4) of the Citizenship Act, as amended by the Strengthening Canadian Citizenship Act are hereby declared inoperative as they violate section 2(e) of the Canadian Bill of Rights in a way that can not be avoided by interpretation;

6.         Subsections 10(1), 10(3) and 10(4) of the Citizenship Act, as amended by the Strengthening Canadian Citizenship Act do not violate sections 7 and 12 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms;

7.         The effect of the present judgment is suspended for a period of 60 days or any other delay as this Court may grant at the request of one of the parties;

[6]               The Judgment in Hassouna has disposed of the eight Lead Cases that were within the Group 2 Revocation Judicial Review Applications; however there are an additional 326 applications constituting the Remaining Applications that must now be dealt with.

[7]               The Remaining Applications deal with a notice issued by the Respondent of intent to revoke citizenship, or a decision made to revoke citizenship pursuant to subsection 10 of the Citizenship Act, as amended by the Strengthening Canadian Citizenship Act.

[8]               Many of the Remaining Applications were filed in a timely manner.  They are listed in Appendix C.  Some of the Remaining Applications were not filed in a timely manner and require an Order extending time.  They are listed in Appendix D.

[9]               The Minister has indicated that he consents to an Order issuing in each timely application listed in Appendix C, in a form similar to that which issued in Hassouna.

[10]           Pursuant to the Order dated February 23, 2016, as amended, if an extension of time is granted, leave for judicial review on the Common Legal Issues is automatically granted for each such file, and the result in Hassouna will then apply to each of the Remaining Files.

[11]           Although the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration has indicated that he is “amenable to allowing extensions of time limited to the group held in abeyance pending the disposition of the lead cases in Hassouna” he has also raised some concerns in so doing.  Of particular concern to the Minister is existing jurisprudence that extensions of time should not be premised solely on a change in the law: R v Thomas, [1990] 1 SCR 713.

[12]           It has often been stated that the following questions are relevant when deciding whether to exercise discretion and extend the time prescribed by the Federal Courts Act, RSC 1985, c F-7 (See Grewal v Canada (Minister of Employment and Immigration), [1985] 2 FC 263 (CA), Muckenheim v Canada (Employment Insurance Commission), 2008 FCA 549; Canada (Attorney General) v Larkman, 2012 FCA 207 [Larkman]):

1.                  Did the moving party have a continuing intention to pursue the application?

2.                  Is there some potential merit to the application?

3.                  Has the Crown been prejudiced from the delay?

4.                  Does the moving party have a reasonable explanation for the delay?

[13]           Some of the Remaining Applications that require an extension of time contain some explanation for the delay in filing; however, others have failed to plead with any specificity the basis upon which the Court should exercise its discretion.

[14]           The Federal Court of Appeal in Larkman observed at paragraph 62: “The importance of each question depends on the circumstances of each case … not all of these four questions need be resolved in the moving party’s favour.”

[15]           It may be that the fact of the Hassounsa decision alone is not sufficient to grant an Order extending time; however, one must also keep in mind the holding in Larkman, that notwithstanding the four-part test for an extension of time, “the overriding consideration is that the interests of justice be served.”

[16]           There may be persons whose citizenship has been revoked for fraud or misrepresentation and who have not filed applications to review that decision.  They will have to be dealt with by the Crown and the Court on a case-by-case basis, should an application be made as the process of streaming applications into Group 2 will cease with the issuance of this Order.

[17]           Lastly, I am well aware of the administrative burden on the Court in requiring every applicant in need of an extension of time to file a formal motion under Rule 369 of the Federal Courts Rules, SOR/98-106 and have the Crown respond to it.  Accordingly, the Court will deal with any application requiring an extension of time in the following manner:

1.                  Within three weeks of the date of this Order, any applicant listed in Appendix D as requiring an extension of time shall communicate to the Crown in writing (with a copy to the Court) setting out the basis on which the Court should exercise its discretion and grant an Order extending time;

2.                  Within six weeks of the date of this Order, the Crown shall advise the applicant and the Court whether it consents to an Order issuing extending time;

3.                  If the Crown consents to an Order extending time, the Court shall do so and shall issue an Order granting the application in a form similar to that which issued in Hassouna;

4.                  If the Crown does not consent to an Order extending time, then the applicant must forthwith bring a formal motion pursuant to Rule 369 of the Federal Courts Rules seeking an Order of the Court extending time;

5.                  If no Order has issued pursuant to paragraph 3 or 4 hereof within twelve weeks from the date of this Judgment, then an Order shall issue dismissing the application on the basis that it was not filed in a timely manner;

[18]           These Reasons apply to each of the Remaining Cases.




1.                  With respect to all of the applications listed in Appendix C, the following Order, listing each such application, shall issue:


1.                  The application is granted;

2.                  Any Notice of Intent to Revoke citizenship is null and void and hereby quashed because it violates section 2(e) of the Canadian Bill of Rights and is therefore of no force or effect; and

3.                  Any decision rendered by the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration (now the Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship) revoking citizenship is null and void and hereby quashed because it was rendered in violation of section 2(e) of the Canadian Bill of Rights and is therefore of no force or effect.

2.                  With respect to all of the applications listed in Appendix D, the following Order, listing each such application, shall issue:


1.                  The Applicant requires an Order extending the time for filing this application pursuant to section 18.1(2) of the Federal Courts Act, RSC 1985, c F-6;

2.                  Within three weeks of the date of this Order, any applicant seeking an Order for an extension of time shall communicate to the Minister in writing (with a copy to the Court) setting out the basis on which the Court should exercise its discretion and grant an Order extending time;

3.                  Within six weeks of the date of this Order, and after receipt of the communication referenced above, the Minister shall advise the applicant and the Court whether he consents to an Order issuing extending time;

4.                  If the Minister consents to an Order extending time, the Court shall issue an Order that extends time and which will also contain paragraphs 1 to 3 of paragraph 1 of this Judgment;

5.                  If the Crown does not consent to an Order extending time, then the applicant who seeks an extension must forthwith bring a formal motion pursuant to Rule 369 of the Federal Courts Rules; and

6.                  If no Order has issued pursuant to paragraph 4 or 5 of this Order within twelve weeks from the date hereof, due to failure by the Applicant to make a timely filing, then an Order shall issue dismissing the application on the basis that it was not filed in a timely manner.

3.                  This Judgment applies to each of the Remaining Cases listed in Appendix B, and the Registry is directed to file a copy of this Judgment and Reasons in each of those files.

“Russel W. Zinn”






(Thomas Gregory Gucake)


(Tareq Madanat v. MCI)


(Pilipp Parkhomenko v. MIRCC)


(Sakr v. MCI)


(Bandukda v. MCI)


(Situ v. MCI)


(Hisham Ajjawi c. MCI)



1.                  T-1570-15 (MONLA)

2.                  T-1571-15 (BARAKAT)

3.                  T-1572-15 (BIDEWI)

4.                  T-1573-15 (BIDEWI)

5.                  T-1696-15 (NADA)

6.                  T-1867-15 (SUMAN)

7.                  T-2026-15 (ASSRAN)

8.                  T-2067-15 (SIDANI)  

9.                  T-2092-15 (Sultan Rana v. MCI)

10.              T-229-16 (Al Shati v. MCI)

11.              T-622-16 (Mei Yen Chang v. MCI)

12.              T-55-16 (Hamed Mohamed Ashour et al v. MCI)

13.              T-56-16 (Mohamed Ashour Abu-Shleeh v. MCI)

14.              T-194-16 (Ahmad Mohanad Zaghoula v. MCI)

15.              T-825-16 (Ose V. MCI)

16.              T-879-16 (Naviwala v. MCI)

17.              T-1044-16 (Ban Al-Mufleh v. MCI)

18.              T-1045-16 (Dana Ghandour v. MCI.)

19.              T-1046-16 (Christina Yea Ji et al v. MCI)

20.              T-1058-16 (Sami Suhail Al-Mufleh v. MCI)

21.              T-1059-16 (Suhail Sami Al-Mufleh v. MCI)

22.              T-1060-16 (Gayssa Azar v. MCI)

23.              T-1061-16 (Sarya Azar v. MCI)

24.              T-1064-16 (Rayana Azar v. MCI)

25.              T-984-16 (Nagy v. MCI)

26.              T-1290-16 (Subhani v. MCI)

27.              T-1289-16 (Asim v. MCI)

28.              T-1344-16 (Ahmad v. MCI)

29.              T-1345-16 (Ahanchi v. MCI)

30.              T-1346-16 (Nida v. Ahmad)

31.              T-1347-16 (Ahmed v. MCI)

32.              T-1348-16 (Akinyosoye v. MCI)

33.              T-1586-16 (Oula Defranieh v. MCI)

34.              T-1659-16 (Majid Ali Khan v. MIRCC)

35.              T-1660-16 (Wajid Ali Khan v. MIRCC)

36.              T-1694-16 (Mohammad Al-Dabbas v. MIRCC)

37.              T-1696-16 (Rashed Al-Dabbas v. MIRCC)

38.              T-1772-16 (Ahmed Samarai v. MCI)

39.              T-1773-16 (Vyan Mohammad et al v. MCI)

40.              T-1774-16 (Marrouch v. MCI)

41.              T-1775-16 (Samaraiv. MCI)

42.              T-1846-16 (Joy-Fares Aoun v. MIRC)

43.              T-1838-16 (Fathima Leeza Jamiludeen et al v. MCI)

44.              T-1693-16 (Hishan Al-Dabbas v. MIRC)

45.              T-1934-16 (Waheed Alawadhi et al v. MIRC)

46.              T-1935-16 (Eman Rifaat Ali v. MIRC)

47.              T-1956-16 (Hughroy Fernando Roberts v. MCI)

48.              T-2066-16 (Walid Nehme v. MIRC)

49.              T-2067-16 (Rayan Nehme v. MIRC)

50.              T-2068-16 (Lynn Nehme v. MIRC)

51.              T-2069-16 (Dunia El-Hosni v. MIRC)

52.              T-2086-16 (Lamia Chamas v. MIRC)

53.              T-2124-16 (Charakla et al. v. MIRC)

54.              T-2205-16 (Kehinde et al. V. MIRC)

55.              T-2206-16 (Jad Karam v. MIRC)

56.              T-2207-16 (Fouad Karam v. MIRC)

57.              T-2208-16 (Oluwatomiwa et al. V. MIRC)

58.              T-2209-16 (Georges Karam v. MIRC)

59.              T-2221-16 (Qasem El Hasan et al. v. MIRC)

60.              T-2251-16 (Fida Riachi v. MIRC)

61.              T-9-17 (Wael El Abbassi v. MIRC)

62.              T-1695-16 (Mijad Al-Dalqamouni et . v. MIRC)

63.              T-21-17 (Faizullah Khawaja v. MIRC)

64.              T-22-17 (Tariq Mohammad Khawaja v. MIRC)

65.              T-75-17 (Ibrahim Samir Abou Jaoude v. MIRC)

66.              T-156-17 (Marina Charles Sfeir c. MIRC)

67.              T-253-17 (Ghaida Ghalayini v. MIRCC)

68.              T-287-17 (Minnan Song v. MCI)

69.              T-303-17 (Foaad Nami v. MCI)

70.              T-388-17 (Walid Nazih El Cheikh v. MCIC)

71.              T-389-17 (Jia (Suki) Wang v. MCIC)

72.              T-23-17 (Habib Sayde v. MCI)

73.              T-476-17 (Ramzi Samir Hadad v. MCI)

74.              T-483-17 (Cong Li v. MCI)

75.              T-484-17 (Iram Khan v. MCI)

76.              T-523-17 (Solange Fervius-Celine v. MCI)

77.              T-586-17 (Behrooz Razaei v. MCIC)

78.              T-687-17 (Bashar Al-Haddad v. MCI)

79.              T-688-17 (Hanan Shadaydeh v. MCI)

80.              T-710-17 (Qi Luo v MCI)

81.              T-711-17 (Jad Akl v. MCI)

82.              T-2002-15 (DIB)

83.              T-2105-15 (S. Kopahi)

84.              T-2106-15 (A. Kopahi)

85.              T-23-16 (Cherie Emma Lipscombe Gucake)

86.              T-24-16 (Roko Netani Ciwa Gucake)

87.              T-25-16 (Kelepi Funilagi Gucake)

88.              T-28-16 (Francis Christine Gucake)

89.              T-29-16 (Falelafaki Taimolelgai Gucake)

90.              T-30-16 (Seini Otu Gucake)

91.              T-31-16 (Bernard Taiesi Gucake)

92.              T-32-16 (Ratu Ciwa Adriu Gucake)

93.              T-22-16 (Lavonne Katalina Gucake)

94.              T-1912-16 (Kamaljeet Singh v. MCI)

95.              T-712-17 (Mira Akl v. MCI)

96.              T-7-16 (Al-Baqaeen v. MCI)

97.              T-8-16 (Luai Madanat v. MCI)

98.              T-9-16 (Firas Madanat v. MCI)

99.              T-1015-16 (Nadim Qubain v. MCI)

100.          T-1252-16 (Nan Tan v. MCI)

101.          T-1265-16 (Jiakui Liu v. MCI)

102.          T-1798-16 (Khalaf v. MCI)

103.          T-1799-16 (Alramahi v. MCI)

104.          T-1893-16 (Justin Ervin Uzebu v. MCI)

105.          T-1894-16 (Jamal Mohammad Shihadeh v. MCI)

106.          T-1895-16 (Onate v. MCI)

107.          T-1896-16 (Jad Jamal Shihadeh v. MCI)

108.          T-1898-16 (Shaza Jamal Shihadeh v. MCI)

109.          T-1939-16 (Ziad Al-Zabet v. MCI)

110.          T-1940-16 (Areej Salah v. MCI)

111.          T-1942-16 (Salah Al-Zabet v. MCI)

112.          T-1945-16 (Sami Al-Zabet v. MCI)

113.          T-2198-16 (Beenish Tehmeena Gull v. MCI)

114.          T-139-17 (Inamullah Abdul-Martin v. MCI)

115.          T-174-17 (Yuan Sun v. MCI)

116.          T-288-17 (Shang Shang Zhu v. MCI)

117.          T-289-17 (Lei Yu v. MCI)

118.          T-325-17 (Juliana Beatrice Lara v. MCI)

119.          T-326-17  (Julie Ang Lara v. MCI)

120.          T-327-17 (Bernard Julian Lara v. MCI)

121.          T-344-17 (Yuqiao Li v. MCI)

122.          T-446-17 (Dapeng Zhang v. MCI)

123.          T-531-17 (Liqin Wu v. MCI)

124.          T-737-17 (Wei Huang v. MCI)

125.          T-75-16 (Sohail Ashraf v. MCI)

126.          T-214-16 (Olga Parkhomenko v. MIRCC)

127.          T-215-16 (Alexander Parkhomenko v. MIRCC)

128.          T-216-16 (Ivan Parkhomenko v. MIRCC)

129.          T-217-16 (Egor Parkhomenki v. MIRCC)

130.          T-218-16 (Felix Louis D’Souza v. MIRCC)

131.          T-219-16 (Lenie D’Souza v. MIRCC)

132.          T-412-16 (Mei Ying Gui v. MIRC)

133.          T-413-16 (Theresa Ye v. MIRC)

134.          T-411-16 (Tajunisa Siddiqi v. MIRC)

135.          T-414-16 (Mohamed Ilyashasan Siddiqi v. MIRC)

136.          T-475-16 (Neakpur v. MCI)

137.          T-1808-16 (Tehranchi v. MIRC)

138.          T-1809-16 (Parisa Behnia v. MIRC)

139.          T-1810-16 (Hossein Behnia v. MIRC)

140.          T-1754-16 (Kholud Al-Turk v. MIRC)

141.          T-1755-16 (Yaznan Kanaan v. MIRC)

142.          T-1756-16 (Ammar Kanaan v. MIRC)

143.          T-1759-16 (Abdelsalam Kanaan v. MIRC)

144.          T-1760-16 (Lein Kanaan v. MIRC)

145.          T-1761-16 (Choudary v. MIRC)

146.          T-1762-16 (Jamil Kanaan v. MIRC)

147.          T-1920-16 (Tariq Aziz v. MIRC)

148.          T-1921-16 (Asma Tariq v. MIRC)

149.          T-1922-16 (Qasim Tariq Aziz v. MIRC)

150.          T-1923-16 (Lama Tariq Aziz v. MIRC)

151.          T-1924-16 (Faris Tariq Aziz v. MIRC)

152.          T-1950-16 (Ashfaque Ahmed v. MIRC)

153.          T-1951-16 (Amna Ashfaque v. MIRC)

154.          T-1972-16 (Fawzi Zubeidi v. MIRC)

155.          T-2112-16 (Tahani Al-Hudhud v. MIRC)

156.          T-2113-16 (Ghaith Al-Hudhud v. MIRC)

157.          T-2114-16 (Zaid Al-Hudhud v. MIRC)

158.          T-2115-16 (Ruba Mahyar v. MIRC)

159.          T-2116-16 (Amir Hamza Usamn v. MIRC)

160.          T-2117-16 (Basit Zafar Usman v. MIRC)

161.          T-2118-16 (Azalea Usman v. MIRC)

162.          T-2119-16 (Farah Usman v. MIRC)

163.          T-2120-16 (Zafar Usman v. MIRC)

164.          T-2139-16 (Sheeraz Khan v. MIRC)

165.          T-2157-16 (Haihui Zhang v. MIRC)

166.          T-2226-16 (Philip Farouk Hanna v. MIRC)

167.          T-2227-16 (Sunnia Sameena Gull v. MIRC)

168.          T-2228-16 (Riffat Abida Gull v. MIRC)

169.          T-2229-16 (Akhter Gull v. MIRC)

170.          T-309-17 (Elena Anastassieva v. MIRCC)

171.          T-340-17 (Hatem Hassan v. MIRC)

172.          T-383-17 (Cecile SiaSia Xu v. MIRC)

173.          T-475-17 (Yilin Zhan v. MIRCC)

174.          T-506-17 (Mohammad Ahmed v. MIRCC)

175.          T-2132-15 (LIU)

176.          T-2133-15 (HAN)

177.          T-771-16 (Habteselassie v. MCI)

178.          T-1354-16 (Eric Oriakhi v. MCI)

179.          T-1355-16 (Godwin Oriakhi v. MCI)

180.          T-1356-16 (Erica Oriakhi v. MCI)

181.          T-1691-16 (Mattar v. MCI)

182.          T-2153-16 (Fei Wei v. MCI)

183.          T-2154-16 (Wael Ahmad Hammoud v. MCI)

184.          T-2170-16 (Shwky Mohamed El-Shebiny v. MCI)

185.          T-82-17 (Ziyad Shawwa v. MCI)

186.          T-559-17 (Jun Hui Zhang v. MCI)

187.          T-480-16 (Hamzah Esnan v. MCI)

188.          T-481-16 (Nedal Esnan v. MCI)

189.          T-482-16 (Al Madani v. MCI

190.          T-483-16 (Rayah Esnan v. MCI)

191.          T-484-16 (Yazeed Esnan v. MCI)

192.          T-97-16 (Louis Maroun Najem v. MCI)

193.          T-964-16 (Chavanova v. MCI)

194.          T-1561-16 (Jove v. MCI)

195.          T-2004-16 (Mohamad Salah Saksouk v. MCI)

196.          T-2028-16 (Atefeh Zamani v. MCI)

197.          T-2089-16 (Muhammad Bilal Sandeela v. MCI)

198.          T-2090-16 (Sadia Yousuf Sandeela v. MCI)

199.          T-2088-16 (Muhammad Bassem Sandeela v. MCI)

200.          T-66-17 (Neri Zhiti v. MCI)

201.          T-88-17 (Joe Habib Saade v. MCI)

202.          T-224-17 (Sadreddin Fereiduin v. MCI)

203.          T-317-17 (Xiaofei Diao v. MCI)

204.          T-799-17 (Jahangir Firoz v. MCI)

205.          T-852-17 (Erum Waheed v. MCI)

206.          T-866-16 (Gendari v. MCI)

207.          T-1306-16 (Issa v. MCI)

208.          T-1307-16 (Sakr v. MCI)

209.          T-1522-16 (Sakr v. MCI)

210.          T-1574-16 (Raymon Claude Sakr v. MCI)

211.          T-2079-16 (Domloj, Raina v. MCI)

212.          T-698-17 (Thomas John v. MCI)

213.          T-313-16 (Jiang v. MCI)

214.          T-318-16 (Marcias v. MCI)

215.          T-339-16 (Khaled Ali El-Ahmar v. MIRCC)

216.          T-326-16 (Leyla Ahmed Abubakar v. MCI)

217.          T-98-17 (Bassam Haj Younes v. MCI)

218.          T-380-16 (Amir Hasan v.MCI)

219.          T-294-16 (Zahra Husseini et al. v. MCI)

220.          T-729-16 (Zaineg Husseini v. MCI)

221.          T-755-16  (Malek Husseini v. MCI)

222.          T-433-16 (Heny Jreige v. MCI)

223.          T-452-16 (Xie v. MIRCC)

224.          T-142-16 (Kehar Singh v. MCI)

225.          T-479-16 (Adel Talal Hechme v. MCI )

226.          T-634-16 (Gjon Vukaj a.k.a Besnik Vukaj v. MIRCC)

227.          T-524-16 (Hassan Tayarah c. MCI)

228.          T-160-17  (Marie Beth Caoile Bussières  c. MCI)

229.          T-671-16 (Miodrag Zaric v. MCI)

230.          T-718-16 (El-Cheikh Hassan)

231.          T-338-17 (Zouheir Awad c. MCI)

232.          T-382-17 (Aida Salloum c. MCI)

233.          T-10-16 (Minh Kinh Vo v. MCI)

234.          T-327-16 (Rui Zeng v. MCI)

235.          T-2124-15 (NGUYEN)

236.          T-779-16 (El-Laham et al)

237.          T-822-16 (Abul Ata et al.)

238.          T-1558-16 (Ali v. MCI)

239.          T-1719-16 (Darin Kutob v. MCI)

240.          T-1720-16 (Kazen Kutob v. MCI)

241.          T-1721-16 (Shatha Malkhis v. MCI)

242.          T-1723-16 (Mazen Kutob v. MCI)

243.          T-1724-16 (Taleen Kutob v. MCI)

244.          T-1725-16 (Layan Kutob v. MCI)

245.          T-94-17 (Hussam  Aboushaer v. MIRC)

246.          T-358-17 (Fei (Kent) Yu v. MIRC)

247.          T-903-16 (El Khoury et al.)

248.          T-871-16 (Ragoorthan Mahendran c. MCI)

249.          T-1078-16 (Khachikian v. MCI)

250.          T-707-16 (Ibrahim Ghali et al. v. MCI)

251.          T-708-16 (Vivian Ghali et al v MCI)

252.          T-709-16 (Marina Ghali v MCI)

253.          T-710-16 (Phoebe Ghali v MCI)

254.          T-711-16 (Rosemary Ghali v MCI)

255.          T-296-17 (Tyus Kemari Robinson v. MCI)

256.          T-585-17 (Yue Shi v. MIRC)

257.           T-676-16 (Naboulsi v. MCI)

258.          T-1328-16 (Abir et al c. MCI)

259.          T-1814-16 (Imad c. MCI)

260.          T-1882-16 (Nabil Younes c. MCI)

261.          T-1883-16 (Rima Boutros c. MCI)

262.          T-1890-16 (El Helou Muriel c. MCI)

263.          T-1891-16 (El Helou Joelle c. MCI)

264.          T-1892-16 (El Helou Danielle c. MCI)

265.          T-1901-16 (Younes Fouad c. MCI)

266.          T-1909-16 (El Helou Dominique c. MCI)

267.          T-1910-16 (Azar May c. MCI)

268.          T-2012-16 (Lily Khalife c. MCI)

269.          T-2013-16 (Claire c. MCI)

270.          T-2014-16 (Khalife, Rana c. MCI)

271.          T-1671-16 (Taha v MIRCC)

272.          T-2218-16 (Chkaibane Michel c. MCI)

273.          T-2219-16 (Sayegh Nayla c. MCI)

274.          T-2220-16 (Chkaibane Mia c. MCI

275.          T-2247-16 (Homsi Rima c. MCI)

276.          T-2248-16 (Khalat Youssef v. MCI)

277.          T-11-17 (Saliba Nadim c. MCI)

278.          T-12-17 (Saliba Youmna c. MCI)

279.          T-13-17 (Ghossein Gina c. MCI)

280.          T-14-17 (Saliba Mona c. MCI)

281.          T-92-17 (Wehbe Karine Kamal c. MCI)

282.          T-93-17 (Wehbe Mohammed Aref c. MCI)

283.          T-1714-16 (Fadi El-Hassan c. MIRCC)

284.          T-482-17 (Salamoun Ziad c. MCI)

285.          T-1588-16 (Sultan Liton Parvez v. MIRCC)

286.          T-1982-16 (James Ralph Gorman v. MCI)

287.          T-411-17 (Bin Zhou v. MCI)

288.          T-2106-16 (Waldampaha v. MCI)

289.          T-2108-16 (Freweine Mebrahtu et al. V. MIRCC)

290.          T-2051-16 (Tamara Musaeva v. MCI)

291.          T-2160-16 (Houssam Hassan Chaar v. MIRC)

292.          T-2232-16 (Karim Raja Ezzedeen v. MCI)

293.          T-2233-16 (Nay Raja Ezzedeen v. MCI)

294.          T-2234-16 (Mirna Ishac Moubarak v. MCI)

295.          T-4-17 (Micheline Bittar v. MIRC)

296.          T-5-17 (Olivia Hallak v. MIRC)

297.          T-6-17 (Raymon Bittar v. MIRC)

298.          T-105-17 (Omar Sabri v. MIRCC)

299.          T-2241-16 (Nasri Beik Lahoud v. MCI)

300.          T-2246-16 (Kulbir Singh Rehal v. MIRC)

301.          T-103-17 (Omar Sinno v. MCI)

302.          T-137-17 (Mohamad Sinno v. MCI)

303.          T-104-17 (Jreissati, Raymond v. MCI)

304.          T-194-17 (Elpidio Suarez c. MCI)

305.          T-301-17 (Hongli Shi v. MIRC)

306.          T-437-17 (Qi Zhang v. MCI)

307.          T-451-17 (Shoaib Ahmad v. MCI)

308.          T-510-17 (Sultan Ali Lakhani v. MIRCC)

309.          T-467-17 (Shuai Ye v. MCI)

310.          T-547-17 (Chunheng Zhu v. MCI)

311.          T-643-17 (Yan Yang He v. MCI)

312.          T-650-17 (Shaoqing Shi v. MCI)

313.          T-697-17 (Ying-Chih Lai v. MCI)

314.          T-548-17 (Arman Zareyan v. MCI)

315.          T-549-17 (Seyed Shayan Zareyan v. MCI)

316.          T-550-17 (Sayed Amir Mansour Zareyan v. MCI)

317.          T-551-17 (Samira Geramy v. MCI)

318.          T-400-17 (Lemus  Menendez Jose c. MCI)

319.          T-679-17 (Mohammad Sharif v. MCIC)

320.          T-715-17 (Meng Yu v. MCI)

321.          T-814-17 (Claude Paddy v. MCI)

322.          T-522-17 (Yousef Mimi v. MIRC)

323.          T-945-17 (Siu Yung Ying v MCRC)

324.          T-959-17  ( Samba Mulumba v. MCI)

325.          T-994-17 (D’Acosta v MCI)

326.          T-998-17 (Kerolos v MCI)




1.                  T-1570-15 (MONLA) 

2.                  T-1571-15 (BARAKAT)

3.                  T-1572-15 (BIDEWI)

4.                  T-1573-15 (BIDEWI)

5.                  T-1696-15 (NADA)

6.                  T-1867-15 (SUMAN)

7.                  T-2026-15 (ASSRAN)

8.                  T-2067-15 (SIDANI) 

9.                  T-2092-15 (Sultan Rana v. MCI)

10.              T-229-16 (Al Shati v. MCI)

11.              T-622-16 (Mei Yen Chang v. MCI) -

12.              T-55-16 (Hamed Mohamed Ashour et al v. MCI)

13.              T-56-16 (Mohamed Ashour Abu-Shleeh v. MCI)

14.              T-825-16 (Ose V. MCI)

15.              T-879-16 (Naviwala v. MCI)

16.              T-1044-16 (Ban Al-Mufleh v. MCI)

17.              T-1045-16 (Dana Ghandour v. MCI.)

18.              T-1046-16 (Christina Yea Ji et al v. MCI)

19.              T-1058-16 (Sami Suhail Al-Mufleh v. MCI)

20.              T-1059-16 (Suhail Sami Al-Mufleh v. MCI)

21.              T-1060-16 (Gayssa Azar v. MCI)

22.              T-1061-16 (Sarya Azar v. MCI)

23.              T-1064-16 (Rayana Azar v. MCI)

24.              T-984-16 (Nagy v. MCI)

25.              T-1290-16 (Subhani v. MCI)

26.              T-1289-16 (Asim v. MCI)

27.              T-1344-16 (Ahmad v. MCI)

28.              T-1345-16 (Ahanchi v. MCI)

29.              T-1346-16 (Nida v. Ahmad)

30.              T-1347-16 (Ahmed v. MCI)

31.              T-1348-16 (Akinyosoye v. MCI)

32.              T-1586-16 (Oula Defranieh v. MCI)

33.              T-1659-16 (Majid Ali Khan v. MIRCC)

34.              T-1660-16 (Wajid Ali Khan v. MIRCC)

35.              T-1694-16 (Mohammad Al-Dabbas v. MIRCC)

36.              T-1696-16 (Rashed Al-Dabbas v. MIRCC)

37.              T-1772-16 (Ahmed Samarai v. MCI)

38.              T-1773-16 (Vyan Mohammad et al v. MCI)

39.              T-1774-16 (Marrouch v. MCI)

40.              T-1775-16 (Samaraiv. MCI)

41.              T-1846-16 (JOY-FARES AOUN v. MIRC)

42.              T-1838-16 (FATHIMA LEEZA JAMILUDEEN ET AL v. MCI)

43.              T-1693-16 (Hishan Al-Dabbas v. MIRC)

44.              T-1934-16 (Waheed Alawadhi et al v. MIRC)

45.              T-1935-16 (Eman Rifaat Ali v. MIRC)

46.              T-1956-16 (Hughroy Fernando Roberts v. MCI)

47.              T-2066-16 (Walid Nehme v. MIRC)

48.              T-2067-16 (Rayan Nehme v. MIRC)

49.              T-2068-16 (Lynn Nehme v. MIRC)

50.              T-2069-16 (Dunia El-Hosni v. MIRC)

51.              T-2086-16 (Lamia Chamas v. MIRC)

52.              T-2124-16 (Charakla et al. v. MIRC)

53.              T-2205-16 (Kehinde et al. V. MIRC)

54.              T-2206-16 (Jad Karam v. MIRC)

55.              T-2207-16 (Fouad Karam v. MIRC)

56.              T-2208-16 (Oluwatomiwa et al. V. MIRC)

57.              T-2209-16 (Georges Karam v. MIRC)

58.              T-2221-16 (Qasem El Hasan et al. v. MIRC)

59.              T-2251-16 (Fida Riachi v. MIRC)

60.              T-9-17 (Wael El Abbassi v. MIRC)

61.              T-1695-16 (Mijad Al-Dalqamouni et . v. MIRC)

62.              T-21-17 (Faizullah Khawaja v. MIRC)

63.              T-22-17 (Tariq Mohammad Khawaja v. MIRC)

64.              T-75-17 (Ibrahim Samir Abou Jaoude v. MIRC)

65.              T-156-17 (Marina Charles Sfeir c. MIRC)

66.              T-253-17 (Ghaida Ghalayini v. MIRCC)

67.              T-287-17 (Minnan Song v. MCI)

68.              T-303-17 (Foaad Nami v. MCI)

69.              T-388-17 (Walid Nazih El Cheikh v. MCIC)

70.              T-389-17 (Jia (Suki) Wang v. MCIC)

71.              T-23-17 (Habib Sayde v. MCI)

72.              T-476-17 (Ramzi Samir Hadad v. MCI)

73.              T-483-17 (Cong Li v. MCI)

74.              T-484-17 (Iram Khan v. MCI)

75.              T-523-17 (Solange Fervius-Celine v. MCI)

76.              T-586-17 (Behrooz Razaei v. MCIC)

77.              T-687-17 (Bashar Al-Haddad v. MCI)

78.              T-688-17 (Hanan Shadaydeh v. MCI)

79.              T-710-17 (Qi Luo v MCI)

80.              T-711-17 (Jad Akl v. MCI)

81.              T-2002-15 (DIB)

82.              T-2105-15 (S. KOPAHI)

83.              T-2106-15 (A. KOPAHI)

84.              T-23-16 (Cherie Emma Lipscombe Gucake)

85.              T-24-16 (Roko Netani Ciwa Gucake)

86.              T-25-16 (Kelepi Funilagi Gucake)

87.              T-28-16 (Francis Christine Gucake)

88.              T-29-16 (Falelafaki Taimolelgai Gucake)

89.              T-30-16 (Seini Otu Gucake)

90.              T-31-16 (Bernard Taiesi Gucake)

91.              T-32-16 (Ratu Ciwa Adriu Gucake)

92.              T-1912-16 (Kamaljeet Singh v. MCI)

93.              T-712-17 (Mira Akl v. MCI)

94.              T-7-16 (Al-Baqaeen v. MCI)

95.              T-8-16 (Luai Madanat v. MCI)

96.              T-9-16 (Firas Madanat v. MCI)

97.              T-1015-16 (Nadim Qubain v. MCI)

98.              T-1252-16 (Nan Tan v. MCI)

99.              T-1265-16 (Jiakui Liu v. MCI)

100.          T-1798-16 (Khalaf v. MCI)

101.          T-1799-16 (Alramahi v. MCI)

102.          T-1893-16 (Justin Ervin Uzebu v. MCI)

103.          T-1894-16 (Jamal Mohammad Shihadeh v. MCI)

104.          T-1895-16 (Onate v. MCI)

105.          T-1896-16 (Jad Jamal Shihadeh v. MCI)

106.          T-1898-16 (Shaza Jamal Shihadeh v. MCI)

107.          T-1939-16 (Ziad Al-Zabet v. MCI)

108.          T-1940-16 (Areej Salah v. MCI)

109.          T-1942-16 (Salah Al-Zabet v. MCI)

110.          T-1945-16 (Sami Al-Zabet v. MCI)

111.          T-2198-16 (Beenish Tehmeena Gull v. MCI)

112.          T-139-17 (Inamullah Abdul-Martin v. MCI)

113.          T-174-17 (Yuan Sun v. MCI)

114.          T-288-17 (Shang Shang Zhu v. MCI)

115.          T-289-17 (Lei Yu v. MCI)

116.          T-325-17 (Juliana Beatrice Lara v. MCI)

117.          T-326-17  (Julie Ang Lara v. MCI)

118.          T-327-17 (Bernard Julian Lara v. MCI)

119.          T-344-17 (Yuqiao Li v. MCI)

120.          T-446-17 (Dapeng Zhang v. MCI)

121.          T-531-17 (Liqin Wu v. MCI)

122.          T-214-16 (Olga Parkhomenko v. MIRCC)

123.          T-215-16 (Alexander Parkhomenko v. MIRCC)

124.          T-216-16 (Ivan Parkhomenko v. MIRCC)

125.          T-217-16 (Egor Parkhomenki v. MIRCC)

126.          T-218-16 (Felix Louis D’Souza v. MIRCC)

127.          T-219-16 (Lenie D’Souza v. MIRCC)

128.          T-412-16 (Mei Ying Gui v. MIRC)

129.          T-413-16 (Theresa Ye v. MIRC)

130.          T-411-16 (Tajunisa Siddiqi v. MIRC)

131.          T-414-16 (Mohamed Ilyashasan Siddiqi v. MIRC)

132.          T-475-16 (Neakpur v. MCI)

133.          T-1808-16 (Tehranchi v. MIRC)

134.          T-1809-16 (Parisa Behnia v. MIRC)

135.          T-1810-16 (Hossein Behnia v. MIRC)

136.          T-1754-16 (Kholud Al-Turk v. MIRC)

137.          T-1755-16 (Yaznan Kanaan v. MIRC)

138.          T-1756-16 (Ammar Kanaan v. MIRC)

139.          T-1759-16 (Abdelsalam Kanaan v. MIRC)

140.          T-1760-16 (Lein Kanaan v. MIRC)

141.          T-1761-16 (Choudary v. MIRC)

142.          T-1762-16 (Jamil Kanaan v. MIRC)

143.          T-1920-16 (Tariq Aziz v. MIRC)

144.          T-1921-16 (Asma Tariq v. MIRC)

145.          T-1922-16 (Qasim Tariq Aziz v. MIRC)

146.          T-1923-16 (Lama Tariq Aziz v. MIRC)

147.          T-1924-16 (Faris Tariq Aziz v. MIRC)

148.          T-1950-16 (Ashfaque Ahmed v. MIRC)

149.          T-1951-16 (Amna Ashfaque v. MIRC)

150.          T-1972-16 (Fawzi Zubeidi v. MIRC)

151.          T-2112-16 (Tahani Al-Hudhud v. MIRC)

152.          T-2113-16 (Ghaith Al-Hudhud v. MIRC)

153.          T-2114-16 (Zaid Al-Hudhud v. MIRC)

154.          T-2115-16 (Ruba Mahyar v. MIRC)

155.          T-2116-16 (Amir Hamza Usamn v. MIRC)

156.          T-2117-16 (Basit Zafar Usman v. MIRC)

157.          T-2118-16 (Azalea Usman v. MIRC)

158.          T-2119-16 (Farah Usman v. MIRC)

159.          T-2120-16 (Zafar Usman v. MIRC)

160.          T-2139-16 (Sheeraz Khan v. MIRC)

161.          T-2157-16 (Haihui Zhang v. MIRC)

162.          T-2226-16 (Philip Farouk Hanna v. MIRC)

163.          T-2227-16 (Sunnia Sameena Gull v. MIRC)

164.          T-2228-16 (Riffat Abida Gull v. MIRC)

165.          T-2229-16 (Akhter Gull v. MIRC)

166.          T-309-17 (Elena Anastassieva v. MIRCC)

167.          T-340-17 (Hatem Hassan v. MIRC)

168.          T-383-17 (Cecile SiaSia Xu v. MIRC)

169.          T-475-17 (Yilin Zhan v. MIRCC)

170.          T-506-17 (Mohammad Ahmed v. MIRCC)

171.          T-2132-15 (LIU)

172.          T-2133-15 (HAN)

173.          T-771-16 (Habteselassie v. MCI)

174.          T-1354-16 (Eric Oriakhi v. MCI)

175.          T-1355-16 (Godwin Oriakhi v. MCI)

176.          T-1356-16 (Erica Oriakhi v. MCI)

177.          T-1691-16 (Mattar v. MCI)

178.          T-2153-16 (Fei Wei v. MCI)

179.          T-2154-16 (Wael Ahmad Hammoud v. MCI)

180.          T-2170-16 (Shwky Mohamed El-Shebiny v. MCI)

181.          T-82-17 (Ziyad Shawwa v. MCI)

182.          T-559-17 (Jun Hui Zhang v. MCI)

183.          T-480-16 (Hamzah Esnan v. MCI)

184.          T-481-16 (Nedal Esnan v. MCI)

185.          T-482-16 (Al Madani v. MCI

186.          T-483-16 (Rayah Esnan v. MCI)

187.          T-484-16 (Yazeed Esnan v. MCI)

188.          T-97-16 (Louis Maroun Najem v. MCI)

189.          T-964-16 (Chavanova v. MCI)

190.          T-1561-16 (Jove v. MCI)

191.          T-2004-16 (MOHAMAD SALAH SAKSOUK v. MCI)

192.          T-2028-16 (Atefeh Zamani v. MCI)

193.          T-2089-16 (Muhammad Bilal Sandeela v. MCI)

194.          T-2090-16 (Sadia Yousuf Sandeela v. MCI)

195.          T-2088-16 (Muhammad Bassem Sandeela v. MCI)

196.          T-66-17 (Neri Zhiti v. MCI)

197.          T-88-17 (Joe Habib Saade v. MCI)

198.          T-224-17 (Sadreddin Fereiduin v. MCI)

199.          T-317-17 (Xiaofei Diao v. MCI)

200.          T-799-17 (Jahangir Firoz v. MCI)

201.          T-852-17 (Erum Waheed v. MCI)

202.          T-866-16 (Gendari v. MCI)

203.          T-1574-16 (Raymon Claude Sakr v. MCI)

204.          T-2079-16 (Domloj, Raina v. MCI)

205.          T-698-17 (Thomas John v. MCI)

206.          T-313-16 (Jiang v. MCI)

207.          T-318-16 (Marcias v. MCI)

208.          T-339-16 (Khaled Ali El-Ahmar v. MIRCC)

209.          T-326-16 (Leyla Ahmed Abubakar v. MCI)

210.          T-98-17 (Bassam Haj Younes v. MCI)

211.          T-380-16 (Amir Hasan v.MCI)

212.          T-294-16 (Zahra Husseini et al. v. MCI)

213.          T-433-16 (Heny Jreige v. MCI)

214.          T-452-16 (Xie v. MIRCC)

215.          T-142-16 (Kehar Singh v. MCI)

216.          T-479-16 (Adel Talal Hechme v. MCI )

217.          T-634-16 (Gjon Vukaj a.k.a Besnik Vukaj v. MIRCC)

218.          T-524-16 (Hassan Tayarah c. MCI)

219.          T-160-17  (Marie Beth Caoile Bussières  c. MCI)

220.          T-671-16 (Miodrag Zaric v. MCI)

221.          T-718-16 (El-Cheikh Hassan)

222.          T-338-17 (Zouheir Awad c. MCI)

223.          T-382-17 (Aida Salloum c. MCI)

224.          T-10-16 (Minh Kinh Vo v. MCI)

225.          T-327-16 (Rui Zeng v. MCI)

226.          T-2124-15 (Nguyen)

227.          T-779-16 (El-Laham et al)

228.          T-822-16 (Abulata et al.)

229.          T-1558-16 (Ali v. MCI)

230.          T-1719-16 (Darin Kutob v. MCI)

231.          T-1720-16 (Kazen Kutob v. MCI)

232.          T-1721-16 (Shatha Malkhis v. MCI)

233.          T-1723-16 (Mazen Kutob v. MCI)

234.          T-1724-16 (Taleen Kutob v. MCI)

235.          T-1725-16 (Layan Kutob v. MCI)

236.          T-94-17 (Hussam  Aboushaer v. MIRC)

237.          T-358-17 (Fei (Kent) YU v. MIRC)

238.          T-903-16 (El Khoury et al.)

239.          T-1078-16 (Khachikian v. MCI)

240.          T-707-16 (Ibrahim Ghali et al. v. MCI)

241.          T-708-16 (Vivian Ghali et al v MCI)

242.          T-709-16 (Marina Ghali v MCI)

243.          T-710-16 (Phoebe Ghali v MCI)

244.          T-711-16 (Rosemary Ghali v MCI)

245.          T-296-17 (Tyus Kemari Robinson v. MCI)

246.          T-585-17 (Yue Shi v. MIRC)

247.           T-676-16 (Naboulsi v. MCI)

248.          T-1328-16 (Abir et al c. MCI)

249.          T-1814-16 (Imad c. MCI)

250.          T-1882-16 (Nabil Younes c. MCI)

251.          T-1883-16 (Rima Boutros c. MCI)

252.          T-1890-16 (El Helou Muriel c. MCI)

253.          T-1891-16 (El Helou Joelle c. MCI)

254.          T-1892-16 (El Helou Danielle c. MCI)

255.          T-1901-16 (Younes Fouad c. MCI)

256.          T-1909-16 (El Helou Dominique c. MCI)

257.          T-1910-16 (Azar May c. MCI)

258.          T-2012-16 (Lily Khalife c. MCI)

259.          T-2013-16 (Claire c. MCI)

260.          T-2014-16 (Khalife, Rana c. MCI)

261.          T-1671-16 (Taha v MIRCC)

262.          T-2218-16 (Chkaibane Michel c. MCI)

263.          T-2219-16 (Sayegh Nayla c. MCI)

264.          T-2220-16 (Chkaibane Mia c. MCI

265.          T-2247-16 (Homsi Rima c. MCI)

266.          T-2248-16 (Khalat Youssef v. MCI)

267.          T-11-17 (Saliba Nadim c. MCI)

268.          T-12-17 (Saliba Youmna c. MCI)

269.          T-13-17 (Ghossein Gina c. MCI)

270.          T-14-17 (Saliba Mona c. MCI)

271.          T-92-17 (Wehbe Karine Kamal c. MCI)

272.          T-93-17 (Wehbe Mohammed Aref c. MCI)

273.          T-482-17 (Salamoun Ziad c. MCI)

274.          T-1588-16 (Sultan Liton Parvez v. MIRCC)

275.          T-1982-16 (James Ralph Gorman v. MCI)

276.          T-411-17 (Bin Zhou v. MCI)

277.          T-2106-16 (Waldampaha v. MCI)

278.          T-2108-16 (Freweine Mebrahtu et al. V. MIRCC)

279.          T-2051-16 (Tamara Musaeva v. MCI)

280.          T-2160-16 (Houssam Hassan Chaar v. MIRC)

281.          T-2232-16 (Karim Raja Ezzedeen v. MCI)

282.          T-2233-16 (Nay Raja Ezzedeen v. MCI)

283.          T-2234-16 (Mirna Ishac Moubarak v. MCI)

284.          T-4-17 (Micheline Bittar v. MIRC)

285.          T-5-17 (Olivia Hallak v. MIRC)

286.          T-6-17 (Raymon Bittar v. MIRC)

287.          T-105-17 (Omar Sabri v. MIRCC)

288.          T-2241-16 (Nasri Beik Lahoud v. MCI)

289.          T-2246-16 (Kulbir Singh Rehal v. MIRC)

290.          T-103-17 (Omar Sinno v. MCI)

291.          T-137-17 (Mohamad Sinno v. MCI)

292.          T-104-17 (Jreissati, Raymond v. MCI)

293.          T-194-17 (Elpidio Suarez c. MCI)

294.          T-301-17 (Hongli Shi v. MIRC)

295.          T-437-17 (Qi Zhang v. MCI)

296.          T-451-17 (Shoaib Ahmad v. MCI)

297.          T-510-17 (Sultan Ali Lakhani v. MIRCC)

298.          T-467-17 (Shuai Ye v. MCI)

299.          T-547-17 (Chunheng Zhu v. MCI)

300.          T-643-17 (Yan Yang He v. MCI)

301.          T-650-17 (Shaoqing Shi v. MCI)

302.          T-697-17 (Ying-Chih Lai v. MCI)

303.          T-548-17 (Arman Zareyan v. MCI)

304.          T-549-17 (Seyed Shayan Zareyan v. MCI)

305.          T-550-17 (Sayed Amir Mansour Zareyan v. MCI)

306.          T-551-17 (Samira Geramy v. MCI)

307.          T-400-17 (Lemus  Menendez Jose c. MCI)

308.          T-715-17 (Meng Yu v. MCI)

309.          T-814-17 (Claude Paddy v. MCI)

310.          T-522-17 (Yousef Mimi v. MIRC)

311.          T-945-17 (Siu Yung Ying v MCRC)

312.          T-959-17  ( Samba Mulumba v. MCI)




1.      T-194-16 (Ahmad Mohanad Zaghoula v. MCI)

2.      T-22-16 (Lavonne Katalina Gucake)

3.      T-737-17 (Wei Huang v. MCI)

4.      T-75-16 (Sohail Ashraf v. MCI)

5.      T-1306-16 (Issa v. MCI)

6.      T-1307-16 (Sakr v. MCI)

7.      T-1522-16 (Sakr v. MCI)

8.      T-729-16 (Zaineg Husseini v. MCI)

9.      T-755-16 (Malek Husseini v. MCI)

10.  T-871-16 (Ragoorthan Mahendran c. MCI)

11.  T-1714-16 (Fadi El-Hassan c. MIRCC)

12.  T-679-17 (Mohammad Sharif v. MCIC)

13.  T-994-17 (D’ACOSTA v MCI)

14.  T-998-17 (Kerolos v MCI)






And those listed in Appendix B



In the matter of numerous applications for judicial review filed challenging the constitutionality of the revocation or proposed revocation of Canadian citizenship on grounds of fraud or misrepresentation under the Citizenship Act, RSC 1985, c C-29, as amended by the Strengthening of Canadian Citizenship Act, SC 2014, c 22






july 10, 2017



 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.