Federal Court Decisions

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Date: 20030808

Docket: T-900-03

Citation: 2003 FC 963


                                                               Dr. NOËL AYANGMA


                                                                              - and -

                                                        HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN


                                                            REASONS FOR ORDER


[1]                 This is a motion by the applicant, Dr. Noël Ayangma (the "applicant") for an order staying the respondent's (Health Canada) decision dated May 16, 2003 to continue with the selection process 03-NHW-AT-CCID-001 pursuant to subsection 10(1) "relative merit" as opposed to subsection 10(2) "individual merit" of the Public Service Employment Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. P-33, until the Public Service Commission has completed its investigation into the proposed selection process.

[2]                 The applicant is employed by the respondent having commenced working with the respondent in January 1999 as Regional First Nations and Inuit Health Information System Coordinator at the PM-04 level.

[3]                 At the end of 1999, the functions of the Regional Project Coordinator positions evolved and the need for a Program/Project Manager arose and there was a need to update and review the original Regional Project Coordinator's job description.

[4]                 The applicant stated in part in his affidavit:

5.              I was informed and verily believe that all the seven regions referred to in para.2 of this my Affidavit were provided financial resources to staff the positions of Project/Program Managers regionally. I was also informed and verily believe that at the same time, the Department was involved in rewriting the job descriptions of employees including those of Regional Project Coordinators to reflect the actual functions which were performed by the Regional Project Coordinators and was included in the Universal Classification Standard (UCS). This exercise resulted in some changes to the original job descriptions. See Exhibit B (UCS-PM-04 Alberta, See Exhibit C (UCS-PM-04 Atlantic) See Exhibit-D (UCS-PM-04 Saskatchewan)

6.              The final Atlantic version and the new job description for the Regional Project Coordinator (UCS was approved and signed by the then Regional Director, Al Garman, on February 10, 2000. And since then, I have been performing both the functions of Regional Project Coordinator and those of Regional Program Manager pending the completion of the selection process of the Regional Program Manager and this without being paid. See Exhibit C (UCS-PM-04 Atlantic)

7.              Early 2001, the Alberta region started the process of filling the Regional Program Manager's position (PM-05). I am informed and verily believe that the selection process used by the Alberta region was made by way of reclassification of the Regional Project Coordinator updated and review job description as opposed to the original (1998) job description of the Alberta Regional Project Coordinator position. See Exhibit-B (UCS-PM-04 Alberta)

8.              I am also informed and verily believe that the reclassification of the Alberta Regional Project Coordinator's position PM-04 to Regional Program Manager's PM-05 referred to in para. 7 was performed on the basis of the updated and reviewed UCS job description which better reflected at the time, the functions performed by the Alberta Regional Project Coordinator. See Exhibit-B (UCS-PM-04 Alberta)

. . .

15.            On September 26, 2001, the Alberta Region appointed Mel Maclean, the incumbent of the Alberta Regional Project Coordinator's position (PM-04) whose position was reclassified from the updated and reviewed USC job description to the reclassified Regional Program Manager's position (PM-05). I have also conducted an inquiry and verily believe that the job description of the Atlantic region Program Manager's position is identical with the Alberta reclassified position Regional Project Manager's position used in staffing the Alberta Regional Program Manager's position. See Exhibits-B, L-1 and P-2

. . .

27.            I have also conducted an inquiry and verily believe that the activities and demands of the updated and reviewed job description which are described in the Atlantic Project Coordinator UCS PM-04 which are similar to those contained in both the Alberta and the Atlantic Program Manager's (PM-05) job descriptions was signed and approved by Al Garmen on February 20, 2000.

28.            After the Alberta region had officially reclassified its existing, updated and reviewed Regional Project Coordinator's position to the Regional Program Manager's position, on September 28, 2001, and though aware of this reclassification, the Atlantic region did not reclassify the Atlantic position. Rather the Respondent offered me the position on an acting basis pending the determination of the selection process.

29.            I have conducted an inquiry and verily believe that though aware of the selection process used by Alberta the latter reclassified the position and converted the Regional Project Coordinator's position into the Regional Program Manager's position, the respondent did not follow the same process in my situation, rather the respondent claimed that the Regional Program Manager's position was a new position and therefore should be filled via a competitive process under 10(1).

[5]                 After the applicant objected to the selection process being used, the respondent indicated that it was going to continue with the same process.

[6]                 The applicant filed a complaint with the Public Service Commission requesting an urgent determination of this issue.

[7]                 The respondent did not agree to stop its selection process until the Public Service Commission made its decision. As a result, the applicant has made this application for a stay.

[8]                 Issue

Should a stay be granted?

Analysis and Decision

[9]                 The relief in the form of a stay that is being requested is injunctive relief against the Crown.

[10]            The respondent argued that injunctive relief is not available against the Crown. Pratte J. of the Federal Court of Appeal in C.I.A.C. v. The Queen, [1984] 2 F.C. 866 (C.A.) stated at pages 869 to 870:

It follows from the foregoing that, if this were an issue between individuals, I would grant the injunction requested. However, the interlocutory injunction requested by the appellants is directed against Her Majesty: what the appellants are attempting to prevent is the transfer of the lands at issue by Her Majesty. There is a rule of long standing that the courts cannot issue an injunction against the Crown. This rule may seem archaic, but this Court has recently [Grand Council of the Crees (of Quebec), et al. v. The Queen, et al., [1982] 1 F.C. 599 (C.A.).] held that it still applies and that it was not abolished by the Federal Court Act [R.S.C. 1970 (2nd Supp.), c. 10]. In these circumstances, I consider that this recent decision must be followed until the legislator or the Supreme Court of Canada decides otherwise.

[11]            I am bound by this decision and consequently, I deny the motion for a stay.

[12]            Because of my finding, I will not deal with the three part test which must be satisfied in order to grant injunctive relief.

[13]            There shall be no order as to costs.

    "John A. O'Keefe"



Toronto, Ontario

August 8, 2003

                          FEDERAL COURT OF CANADA

                                       TRIAL DIVISION


DOCKET:                   T-900-03


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PLACE OF HEARING:                                   Halifax, Nova Scotia

DATE OF HEARING:                                     Thursday, June 5, 2003

REASONS FOR ORDER OF                       O'KEEFE J.

DATED:                      Friday, August 8, 2003


Noël Ayangma, Self-Represented


Sandra Doucette



Dr. Noël Ayangma, Self-Represented

25 England Circle

Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island

C1E 1W6


Department of Justice

Atlantic Regional Office

Suite 1400 - Duke Tower

5251 Duke Street

Halifax, Nova Scotia

B3J 1P3



Date: 20030808

                 Docket: T-900-03








REASONS FOR ORDER                                                                              

 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.